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New Sammic vacuum packers without chamber

April 13, 2011 Français   Español   Português  

Sammic has grown its vacuum packing machine range with two new models of semi-professional external vacuum packing machines. The main feature is that they do not have chambers and they are a lower budget machine. suitable for certain specific needs.

The vacuum is done externally in the bag and can be used for sous-vide cooking, for preservation and help avoid cross-contamination. The vacuum reached is 140 mbar.


Both models are timer controlled by means of a PCB board and manufactured in stainless steel.

SVE-104T Vacuum Pack Machine has an auto-lubricated vacuum pump with a 12l/h. capacity and a sealing bar length of 330 mm. SVE-114T Vacuum Pack, with double body auto-lubricated vacuum pump with a capacity of 30l/h. and a sealing bar length of 450 mm.


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