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Hake fillets flavored with garlic and bay

June 13, 2014 Español  

With this post we show you a recipe using SAMMIC Equipment. This time we are going to prepare hake fillets flavored with garlic and bay using the SAMMIC vacuum sealer and sous-vide cooker. A classic dish that, thanks to the new technology in the kitchen, offers a surprising result.

The ingredients

  • 1 clove of garlic           
  • ½ cup virgin olive oil
  • 4 hake fillets                        
  • Pepper and salts
  • 2 bay leaves

The equipment

The process

  • We prepare the ingredients by laminating the garlic and vacuum packaging it with oil and bay. 



  • Cook for 45 minutes in the cooker under vacuum at 70 ° C (158 F) to flavor the oil and confit the garlic. Once the process is ended,  introduce them into another bag, where the spiced hake fillets are, and vacuum pack it.




  • Prepare the cooker under vacuum at 50 ° C and introduce the bag. Cook for 8 minutes. Once finished cooking, separate the garlic, which will be browned in a pan, and join the juices and the oil for a few seconds.



  • Meanwhile, cook the hake in a pan for 1 minute on each side and end up presenting all together. Bon appetite!



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