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‘Kitchen Bridge’ returns to unite Basque and American culinary culture

May 31, 2019 Español   Italiano   Deutsch   Português   Français  

The Kitchen Bridge Ambassador Program began almost one year ago. Within the programme, three renowned American chefs, Paul KahanJosiah Citrin and Ilan Hall, as well as five consultants and distributors from the US hospitality sector were invited to stay in the Basque Country to learn about and experience the region's culinary culture and food industry.

This time, after one year of the relationship, Kitchen Bridge resurfaces again to round off the cycle that began in June 2018. This time, the Sammic team will travel to the United States to return the visit to the Ambassador Chefs who await on the other side of the ocean. With corporate chef Enrique Fleischmann at head, the delegation will visit Paul Kahan, Josiah Citrin and Ilan Hall in their respective restaurants and spend a day immersed in the environments of each chef. Enrique and the visiting chef will also join forces to complete the programme by cooking a Basque-American menu together.

Specifically, Monday 3 June will be spent with Ilan Hall in visiting the restaurant Chefs Club. On Wednesday 5 June, a visit will be made to Chicago to spend the day with Paul Kahan, where the day will end with a dinner at Michelin-star restaurant Blackbird. The visit will finish on Friday 7 June in California to meet Josiah Citrin in his restaurant Charcoal Venice.

So this visit bridges the link between Basque and American culinary culture and completes the cycle. We are looking forward to meeting friends from across the ocean once again. See you soon!

Relive the first part of the Kitchen Bridge programme once again:

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