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SmartVide Workshop announced in Da Nang, Vietnam

June 8, 2020

On June 10, 2020, Sammic Vietnam is pleased to organize the SMARTVIDE: NEW GENERATION IMMERSION CIRCULATORS' WORKSHOP to create an opportunity for chefs, partners, and distributors to meet and share experiences on the new slow-cook technique which is more and more popular in recent years.

We are very thankful to have the presence of Chef Phuoc who has many years of experience in top hotels and restaurants in Vietnam, is membar of prestigious domestic and international cooking organizations and Ex-Chef at 5-star Novotel Danang Hotel.

Time: 2:00 PM on 10/06/2020
Venue: Huong Nghiep A Au - 195 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Cam Le, Da Nang

Don't hesitate to register here.

See you in the beautiful city of DaNang!

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