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FC slicing discs

Regular slicing discs (CA-301 / 300 / 401 / 400 / 601 / CR-143 / combi CK-301 / 302 / 401 / 402).

Slicing discs to obtain 1 to 25 mm (1/32" to 1") slices of potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, etc.

  • FC-1+ & FC-2+ equipped with 3 blades.
  • FC-3+ & FC-6+ equipped with 2 blades.
  • FC-8+ equipped with 1 blade.
  • For CA-301 / 300 / 401 / 400 / 601 slicers and CR-143 accessory.
  • For CK-301 / 302 / 401 / 402 combi.
  • Please note: FC-20+ and FC-25+ discs cannot be used in CR-143 / CA-300 / CA-400 slicers.
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Specifications Sheet

Disc diameter: 205 mm

!4External dimensions (W x D x H)

Product Sheet

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