Legal Notice
Sammic S.L.
Polígono Basarte 1, 20720 - Azkoitia (Guipúzcoa)
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Guipúzcoa
C.I.F. ESB20869152
Data protection
The information you give us will be kept in a file property of and with exclusive access of Sammic, S.L., which assures their confidentiality according to the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and the Guarantee of Digital Rights.
Sammic S.L. only sends information to those people who have expressly requested it. In order to assure ourselves that our subscribers have granted this consent a confirmation and notice procedure is carried out, by web and by email.
Our computerised systems have security measures available to prevent the loss or alteration of the information in our possession. Only certain people responsible for data maintenance will have access to the storage systems.
Sammic S.L. does not send, rent out nor make available to third parties personal data provided by Web visitors. With your permission, Sammic S.L. will be able to make use of this information for commercial purposes, etc.
In order to exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to use of the data, you can send an e-mail to
Intellectual property of the web
All intellectual property rights to this web page content, its graphic design and its source codes, are the exclusive property of Sammic S.L., entitling us to the exclusive use of the exploitation rights of the same. Its total or partial reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is therefore forbidden without express authorisation from Sammic S.L. In the same way, all the different commercial names, brands or signs of any kind contained in this website are protected by law.
Web and link content
At Sammic S.L. we are not responsible for the incorrect use that is made of the contents of our web page, this being the exclusive responsibility of the person that accesses them and uses them.
Web page update and modification
Sammic S.L. reserves to right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in its website, and the configuration or presentation of the same, at any time, without prior notice and without assuming any responsibility for this.
Technical instructions
At Sammic S.L. we do not assume any responsibility resulting from technical problems or failures in IT equipment, not connected to our Company, which occurs during connection to the Internet, as well as damages that can be caused by third persons through illegitimate interference outside of the control of Sammic S.L.
We remain exempt from any responsibility for potential damage or prejudices that the user may suffer as a consequence of errors, defects or omissions in the information that we provide when it proceeds from sources alien to our own.