Applications are currently closed.
How to Apply
To apply, candidates should fill out the form found on the website (, where they will be asked to submit:
- Personal Information
- The address of their personal blog, including other social networks’ URLs and usernames if they desire to do so.
- Candidates accept that their information may appear online.
The application process closes ___, by which time applicants should have submitted the following via e-mail:
- A post in the candidate’s blog (if the candidate has no blog, in his/her newly created blog), in which (s)he shows how to cook a dish chosen by him/her. The post should include at least three photographs taken by the candidate, showing the process of the plate’s creation.
- A document in PDF format with an essay extending to a maximum of 1000 words outlining their motivations to present their candidacy to receive the Sammic Scholarship.
- Candidates accept that the content they submit may be used by BasqueStage to promote the scholarship.